hello there, are you one of the moderators of the Chinese Koikatsu server?
jim60105🦜Taiwan20-Aug-21 12:01 AM
Kaldeqca20-Aug-21 12:01 AM
okay doky
so I've contacted another moderator of the server just now
but he told me to find someone else
which I don't really understand why. but it's probably a cultural thing
so, I have been talking to both STN and Bepis and we have concluded that this is indeed an unacceptable thing
So here's the solution for the time being
If your card is being affected
if you'd like to have your cards removed then
please send me the link or links of the DB site
if you'd like to be credited, then please also send me your pixiv link if available
Yes, I understand, that’s why, we would like for creator to send us messages if they’re having issues with the DB site.
We would like to solve this issue with everyone here
This is a reply directly from Bepis
你们的所谓的 "解决方案 "将要求从bepisdb删除95%的卡片,这是很疯狂的。
但不知何故,你们和Zodgame的管理员, 认为这不公平,同时,你们的国家甚至不承认版权法
另外,我很难相信Koikatsu社区正在 "萎缩"。我的网站每天有40万次来自中国用户的访问,而且这个数字还在增加。
Personally I believe, we're on the side acting on good faith here.
As you know the site is protected under safe harbor and I personally, believe it's copyright holders responsibility to issue take downs and we will comply with these take downs(edited)
Like danbooru, the content are generated via users and tools, the copyright holders need to issue take downs, the responsibility to detect these copyright materials belong to the copyright holders instead of the owners